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Ceremony and Forrest Yoga
The Wheel of the Year

Next Festival....Samhain Ceremony & Forrest Yoga

Samhain (pronounced sow-ein) is a deep, dark and mysterious festival. This is when Mother Nature is moving deeper into the dark cloak of winter. She transitions into a more restful and magical state: as life starts to hibernate beneath the surface.


As the veil between the material realm and spiritual realm thins, the Samhain energy is ripe for ceremony, communication with Spirit and ancestors – witchy times!


Samhain is an invitation to rest, dream, receive and go deep into our internal world. Samhain is a time for introspection and going within to reflect on everything that has happened in the past year.


During this time and energy we see decay and death in the nature around us – the leaves on the trees are dying and falling to the ground, and the vibrant floral displays of summer have either already disappeared or are now fading. 


We can now take the time to think back on the last twelve months and consider what we have learnt over this time, what may have run its course in our lives, and what we wish to take forward with us into the coming year.

Nature reminds us that everything is part of a cycle. As we honor this part of the year, we can remove the old, to give space to the new life, new ideas and new energy to begin to germinate, ready to burst through when the moment is right.


I am inviting you with an open heart to celebrate Samhain with me on the 26th October 2pm to 4pm in Grace and Gravity at the Swan.


During this gathering we will come together with an open mind. I will guide you through breathwork, set up the intent and share more about Samhain and its unique energy.


After grounding ourselves and setting up the intent we will step into movement with a Forrest Yoga practice to allow the new energy and the intent to move through our physical & emotional bodies.


After yoga practice we will step in sacred meditation to connect deeper with our Spirit and Heart and to listen to our wisdom within. We will also have some time to journal anything that has come up from the practice and we will close the session with a gratitude circle.


More details as follows:


- When: 26th October at 2pm to 4pm

- Where: Grace & Gravity Yoga studio at the Swan

- To book:

- Investment: £30

- What you need to bring: water, pen and a journal, Yoga mat, blanket, cushion /pillow


I hope that by gifting yourself with this sacred space you will find the stillness and vitality this festival brings to us; connecting profoundly with yourself, Mother Gaia and her Divine life force.

It’s so beautiful, and truly powerful, that we can come together in this sacred moment, to tap into the rhythm of Earth and ourselves.


Next sessions...

Coming back soon

Investment: £30pp
To book, send me an email and I will send you booking information

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