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Wherever you are looking to deep into your practice, work on a specific area of yoga & explore new areas, get more individualised, one-on-one attention than a regular class, meet and socialise with other like-minded yoga students or investing in yourself, this is the place for you! I run regular workshops across Oxfordshire & Berkshire - check below!

Ceremony & Forrest Yoga
Wheel of the year festivals
Wallingford - £30pp
A grounding and very special workshop to step into the healing medicine that the Festivals of Fire bring to us. The beginning of each season is marked by a Cross-Quarter (or fire) Festival:
- Imbolc (February 1st) for Spring
- Beltane (May 1st) for Summer
- Lammas (August 1st) for Autumn
- Samhain (October 31st) for Winter.​
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